Shri J.G. Co-Operative Hospital Society was established at Ghataprabha located in Gokak Taluk of Belgaum district (Karnataka, India) in the year 1951 under Bombay Co-operative Society’s Act 1925 VII on 13-10-1951 under Registration Number 9808 by his holiness late Shri. ShrimanMaharajNiranjanJagadguruShriGurusiddaRajayogindraMahaswamiji of Murusaviara Math MahasamsthanHubli with the aim to serve the suffering poor people with good quality health services and rural poor children with medical & nursing education. Along with shri B. A. Patil, first Co-Operative Register of Karnataka established as first Co-Operative Hospital in India.
LateShri. Shri. Mahaswamiji donated 68 acres of land and some amount for development of organization. This was the big foundation stone for the organization. The co-operative society started its health services just by opening an Out Patient Deparment (OPD) for treating the sufferers. Gradually the OPD was extended and started IPD with help of philanthropists. Now the hospital is grown like a big banyan tree with various branches of medical treatment, care and education.
Everyday approximately 300 patients are getting treatment as Out Patients. Daily in average 50 patients are admitting as Inpatients. Everyday 8 – 10 Major operations, 10 – 15 minor operations and 5 – 6 deliveries are conducted in our hospital.
Registered under charitable trust act.